12 Stretch Marks Facts And Stretch Marks Removal

King Gossiper

12 Stretch Marks Facts And Stretch Marks Removal
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9. Bio-Oil® application can help reduce the appearance of stretch.

bio oil

Keeping the skin hydrated is a must for minimizing the appearance of stretch marks. When using Bio-Oil® on stretch marks, you are able to ensure they are moisturized, which will help improve elasticity of the skin.

Bio-Oil® recommends using their product two times a day. It may take up to three months before you see a noticeable difference.

See: 35 Little Tips That Just Might Save Your Life One Day!

10. Lot of water intake and eating well can help prevent stretch marks.

Due to the fact that hydration is so important in maintaining skin elasticity, drinking a healthy amount of water may help prevent the formation of stretch marks.

Eating foods with vitamins that are good for the skin like vitamin C and zinc could also be a benefit in preventing stretch marks from developing.

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