35 Little Tips That Just Might Save Your Life One Day!

King Gossiper

Tips That Just Might Save Your Life One Day
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Ignorance indeed is the greatest mountain anywhere any day. It’s so funny how most of the things needed to solve our problems could just be starring right in front of us and we wouldn’t know.  

Most of us go through our lives without being put in life-threatening situations, but if you know what to do when the time comes, you might just save your or someone else’s life. Here are 35 Little Tips That Just Might Save Your Life One Day!.


35. Always be specific in a situation where you are crying for help.

crying for help

Calling specific people (“You with the red shirt!”) will increase the likeliness of them helping you.

Being called out puts them in an accountable position, reducing the likeliness of the “bystander effect” (the more people around, the more people feel like it’s not their responsibility to be the one to help.)

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