17 Type of Food That Gives Cancer, if you Eat No 8, 5, and 1 Please, Stop Right Now

King Gossiper

cancerous food
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3. Red Meat


For those loving T-bone steak, calm down. There is evidence showing that red meat is exactly a good thing to add into the daily diet, in infrequent, small amounts, grass fed beef has conjugated linoleic acid which can really fight against some types of cancer.

Over 10 years of reaesrch work shows that, consuming red meat on a daily basis, even small amounts, such as 1/4 pound hamburger which people usually want to consume for lunch, could increase a man’s dying risks due to cancers by 22% and a woman’s risk by 20%.

Enjoy this type of foods, but not every night, maybe not even every week. Save those steaks for a once while treating and make sure that you are taking organic beef, grass fed to get the best health condition.

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