12 Signs That shows a Woman has cervical cancer – If she Noticed 8,4, and 1 She Needs a Doctor Now

King Gossiper

12 Signs That shows a Woman has cervical cancer – If she Noticed 8,4, and 1 She Needs a Doctor Now
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One of the most common type of cancers in women is that of cervical cancer.

cervical cancer was the leading cause of death in women over forty years ago. However, thanks to preventative measures, the mortality rate related to cervical cancer has now dropped significantly. 

However, there are 12 Signs That shows a Woman has cervical cancer – If she Noticed 5,4, and 1 She Needs a Doctor Now


12. Leg Pain 

Leg Pain 

Most women in early stages of cervical cancer experience pain in the leg.

As the cancer grows and becomes more advanced, it may start to press against nerves in the pelvic wall, resulting in leg pain and sometimes swelling. While swelling could be a symptom of a number of medical problems, if accompanied by leg pain, this could be a warning sign of cervical cancer.

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