17 Type of Food That Gives Cancer, if you Eat No 8, 5, and 1 Please, Stop Right Now

King Gossiper

cancerous food
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learning about cancer causing foods is very important. In order to use your diet as a strategic “weapon” against cancer, one of the simplest things you could do is to make sure the following foods are not a basic part of your daily diet.

Today we Uncover 17 Type of Food That Gives Cancer, if you Eat No 8, 5, and 1 Please, Stop Right Now. They include:

1. Alcohol


While a low or moderate intake of alcohol could be healthy and can bring about a reduced risk of heart disease. Also, excess drinking is well-known as a trigger factor of sudden death, stroke, and heart failure.

This is one of the worst cancer causing foods that everyone should avoid at all cost!

An research conducted in America discovered that studied more than 200,000 women following the lifestyles and diet for almost 14 years. Discovered that postmenopausal females who drank 1 or less than 1 drink per day had an almost 30% increase in the rates of breast cancer, compared to those did not drink alcohol.

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