20 Most Effective Tip to Stopping Game Addiction – Worth a Try

King Gossiper

20 Most Effective Tip to Stopping Game Addiction - Worth a Try
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7. Consider Moving Your Computer To A Place That You Are Not In Regularly

Consider Moving Your Computer To A Place That You Are Not In Regularly

It is simple to feel you want to get up and play if your computer is right in your bed room or the living room.

Therefore, if you can move your computer to another room, the craving for playing games inside your head will be reduced noticeably.

8. Set A Goal For yourself And Commit To It

If you decide to spend just 1 hour a day for playing computer games, you should stick to this.

Then, you can correctly choose the games that are proper. If you are playing a game that requires several hours to play a day or which is an open-ended game, you should replace it with a different one.

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