12 Ways To Test For Pregnancy At Home Without A Pregnancy Test Kit Today

King Gossiper

12 Ways To Test For Pregnancy At Home Without A Pregnancy Test Kit Today-viralgossitalk
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11. Red Cabbage Pregnancy Test

Red Cabbage

Red cabbage test is not just a pregnancy test it is also a gender detection test. If the women perform this test, then they don’t only get the assurance about pregnancy they also get the knowledge about the sex of the baby.

How to Use: –

Furthermore, this test is very simply performed, and the result of this trial confirms the pregnancy as well as the gender of the baby.

  • Firstly, urinate in a jar
  • Put a pan on the stove 
  • Chop half red cabbage in it then add water to it that the chopped cabbage gets fully dipped in it.
  • Also, allow the water to boil for 10 minutes and let it cool down at room temperature.
  • Put your urine sample in that pot.
  • After the cabbage water cools down pour this water into another empty jar.
  • Now pour your urine sample in it and wait for the reaction that shows changes in it.

No matter what change comes, the change in color or no change in element means pregnancy. But if the color turns into red-pink then it is a chance of having a baby boy. And if the color remains the same as purple, then there is a chance of having a baby girl.

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