12 Ways To Test For Pregnancy At Home Without A Pregnancy Test Kit Today

King Gossiper

12 Ways To Test For Pregnancy At Home Without A Pregnancy Test Kit Today-viralgossitalk
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3. Pregnancy Test With Toothpaste


For this test you will need the plain white toothpaste. As you can’t use any toothpaste. However, ones that have some whiteness in them should work well.

The colorful ones or the ones that have that shiny gel won’t work.

  • Pee in a cup.
  • Take some toothpaste (very little is needed) out in a bowl.
  • Dab a brush or spatula in the urine and mix it with the toothpaste.

The HCG will react with the toothpaste and you will either notice it start frothing or it will turn blue. If the pee does not cause a reaction to the toothpaste, you are not pregnant.

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