12 Ways To Test For Pregnancy At Home Without A Pregnancy Test Kit Today

King Gossiper

12 Ways To Test For Pregnancy At Home Without A Pregnancy Test Kit Today-viralgossitalk
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5. Homemade Pregnancy Test With Mustard Powder

Mustard Powder

In a case where you have a delayed menses and you are worried if it could be that you are pregnant. Then you can try the mustard approach.

For this home pregnancy test to work you will need:

  • A warm bath where you can soak your body for about 20 minutes.
  • Add 2 tea spoon of Mustard into the warm water, then relax.

The mustard and warm water should heat up your body. This will cause you to  get your period in a day or two.  However, If the period continues to be absent after a few days, chances are that you’re pregnant.

This is also considered as a home remedy for delayed period.

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