20 Most Effective Tip to Stopping Game Addiction – Worth a Try

King Gossiper

20 Most Effective Tip to Stopping Game Addiction - Worth a Try
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3. Reduce the Time on The Computer and engage in other Productive Activities

reduce time on computer

There are many things that are good for your health and life, such as doing regular exercise, reading favorite books, or doing something else that help to stimulate your brain and give your relaxation.

4.Try going to Bed Earlier 

go to bed early

Often, some people who are addicted to computer or video games stay up late. If you are among them, you should try to go to bed much earlier every day.

However, you should not sleep too early as you just lay in bed staring at the ceiling. If you often go to bed at 10 p.m, you should try to sleep at 9 the next night, then 8 for the next time, and 7 at the night after that.

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