29 Effective Anti-Aging Foods for Women: Works for Men Too

King Gossiper

29 Effective Anti-Aging Foods for Women: Works for Men Too
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11. Avocado 


Just like the omega-3s found in tuna, avocados are also jam-packed with the inflammation-fighting fatty acids that keep the immune system functioning properly and help both your mind and body age gracefully.

Add it into your salads, top your toast, and even use it to make a healthy pudding.

Eye Opener: 31 Foods To Avoid that Causes Pimples also known as Acne

12. Yogurt 


Yogurt is great for keeping your cells young. This great source of calcium is fantastic before bed.

Skin cells turn over very rapidly and by [allotting yourself a healthy night’s] sleep, you give them time to replenish and rebuild.  Opt for unsweetened and add fresh fruits and a touch of honey.

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