20. Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin were nominated for Nobel Peace Prize.
21. In ancient Egypt, servants were smeared with honey in order to keep flies away from the pharaoh.
22. In 1788 the Austrian army attacked itself and lost 10,000 men.
23. Peter the Great executed his wife’s lover, then forced her to keep her lover’s head in a jar of alcohol in her bedroom.
24. Nikola Tesla was a lifelong bachelor. He believed that being chaste helped his scientific abilities.
25. The Anglo-Zanzibar War lasted only 38 minutes, making it the shortest war in history.
26. Anna Mae Dickinson must be the luckiest person ever. This has to be the luckiest woman to ever live. Over the course of her life, she survived the sinking of the Titanic and the Lusitania, the Hindenburg explosion, the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and the terrorist attacks of September 11, at which point her apartment was destroyed by the collapse of the World Trade Center.
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