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Now this could be the first at home. to treat refractive errors. like short and long sightedness. As new eye drops can now correct vision without glasses or surgery. Inventors of Nano-drops said the process is three fold.
First is a mobile App measures, a patient’s eyes refraction. Then a laser etches a pattern on the surface of the cornea based on the eye refraction measurements.
Finally the patient applies the nanadrops.
According to Zeev Zalevsky professor, Bat-ban Univ. to digital trend
“These nanoparticles go into the shallow ablated patterns generated on the surface of the cornea. They change the refraction index inside of those patterns. This corrects the visual problem user has.”
Researchers used nano-drops to improve short and long sightedness in pigs eye in a lab. Clinical trials in human eyes are expected to commence later in 2018.
Researchers have disclose a significant investment interest in commercializing the product and procedure. If the product goes to the market, it could be an easy alternative to laser eye surgery.