Safety Tips for Children and Dogs (DON’T BE A VICTIM)

King Gossiper

dog brute
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1. Avoid leaving a Child Alone

Many of the aforementioned stories resulted because the children were left alone and yet the dog still had access to the child.

Keeping an eye on your children and monitoring them with dogs is important, but some parents don’t realize that a dog should never even have access to the child.

In the case of the bassinet attack, I am guessing that the parents would never have expected the dog to jump up and into the bassinet to attack the baby.

There was also a similar case where the dog took the baby out of the crib when the parents stepped outside.

Never leave your baby alone where the dog could access him or her.

Attacks and incidents can happen in the fraction of a second.

Shut the baby’s room door and make sure it is secure and, if needs be, put your dog in a crate.

Leaving your baby alone in a baby swing is just asking for trouble.  In both cases one parent was home and asleep in another part of the house.

Make sure your biggest asset (your child) is safe!

These stories are terrifying and I hate talking about it too, but as parents and dog owners we need to take responsibility for those in our care.

Don’t automatically place blame.

As horrifying as it is put yourselves in the shoes of those involved and come up with a plan so that we can learn from these tragedies and ensure that they never happen again!

Education, understanding and control are what keep our children and our dogs safe!  Please share this article with those you love.

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