15 Horrible things Junk food does to Your body, Everyone takes No 15, 7, and 1 for granted and needs to see a doctor Now!

King Gossiper

Updated on:

Junk food

01. It can cause memory and learning problems

memory problem

Study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2011. Showed that healthy people who ate junk food for only 5 days performed poorly on cognitive tests that measured attention, speed, and mood.

It concluded that eating junk food for just five days regularly can deteriorate your memory.

This probably stems from the fact that a poor or toxic diet can cause certain chemical reactions that leads to inflammation in the hippocampus area of the brain which is associated with memory and special recognition.

00. It increases your risk of cancer

Lack of fibre is the main reason why junk food consumption is linked to an increased risk of cancers of the digestive system.

A study from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle.

It showed that men who ate fried foods more than twice in a month had increased risk of developing prostate cancer. 


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