24 common American customs that are Seen as offensive in other countries

King Gossiper

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24 common American customs that are Seen as offensive in other countries
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There are numerous customs and practices that Americans use mostly without having a second taught. However, they most times take this act and customs to other countries and are seen as being offensive.

However, here at viralgossiptalk.info we bring to you compilations of 24 common American customs that are Seen as offensive in other countries, starting with

24. Using your left hand for anything


Not all cultures have or use toilet paper, and tend to use their left hand in lieu of it. Accepting gifts, eating or doing pretty much anything with your left hand in much of Africa, India, Sri Lanka and the Middle East is like a (disgusting) slap in the face.

In most Asian countries, most notably China and India, tearing into a gift in front of the gift giver is poor form. It looks greedy.

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1 thought on “24 common American customs that are Seen as offensive in other countries”

  1. > In a lot of countries, especially in the Middle East, Latin America, Western Africa, Russia and Greece, a thumbs up basically has the same meaning as holding up a middle finger does for Americans.

    In Russia, a thumbs up basically has the same meaning as it does in the US (as well as holding up a middle finger).


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