24 common American customs that are Seen as offensive in other countries

King Gossiper

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24 common American customs that are Seen as offensive in other countries
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12. Keeping your shoes on


While you probably think you’re doing the world a favor by keeping your socks under wraps, in most Asian and Caribbean cultures it is expected that you take your shoes off when entering someone’s home.

Apparently, it’s rude to drink alcohol you didn’t personally bring to a party in Norway. In the US, on the other hand, bringing a six pack of beer to a BBQ allows you access to anything else at the event.

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1 thought on “24 common American customs that are Seen as offensive in other countries”

  1. > In a lot of countries, especially in the Middle East, Latin America, Western Africa, Russia and Greece, a thumbs up basically has the same meaning as holding up a middle finger does for Americans.

    In Russia, a thumbs up basically has the same meaning as it does in the US (as well as holding up a middle finger).


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