31 Strange Fact You Need To Know About Prom Night Today

King Gossiper

31 Strange Fact You Need To Know About Prom Night Today
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Prom which is a short word for promenade dance is a semi-formal (black tie) dance or gathering of high school students.

The event is typically held near the end of the senior year. Which of course is the last year of high school.

However, at Viral Gossip Talk we bring to you 31 Strange Fact You Need To Know About Prom Night Today. They include the fact that;

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1. It won’t be perfect

Don’t get scared here. This doesn’t mean it won’t be amazing! But something, at some point in the night, is bound to not go exactly the way you wanted it to.

A flower petal might fall off of your corsage, the DJ might not play your favorite song, your shoes will probably hurt like hell, maybe your date will suck. It could be big, it could be small. But it will be something.

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